delicious smoothies to blitz and sip in iso.
by team nuut

Want to fill up, feel energised and lose weight by doing almost nothing? A daily nutrient-rich smoothie is just what you need.
And what better time than isolation to take to the kitchen and get messy?
We have compiled some of our absolute favourite nuut recipes that are infused with delicious healthy add-ons, like almonds, avocado and cauliflower, that make sipping a seriously good-for-you drink go down even smoother.
Blitz, blend, sip, and thank us later.
peanut butter banana breakfast smoothie
Apart from chocolate, coffee and peanut butter being a fantastic taste trifecta, we add coffee for its magnesium and potassium levels. Studies show they can help the body use insulin that regulate blood sugar levels and reduce cravings for sugary treats and snacks.
gut-loving chocolate tasting tonic
Because every nuut is fortified with over 30% of your daily-recommended vitamin and mineral intake, blueberries provide a powerful hit of antioxidants, and cauliflower is full of fibre.
the glow
Spinach is jam-packed with glow-getting nutrients needed for healthy skin cells and to help fight skin's ageing process.
hot health nut
Experiment with nut butters, trying sunflower seed butter, peanut butter, or almond. All offer a different and delicious flavour.
plant power
Why not? Not only does it add addictive creaminess to a smoothie, avos are super high in protein and potassium, and a great source of fiber and healthy fat.
Use fresh, frozen or riced cauliflower – whatever is on hand. It’s ideal for texture and thickness and the perfect low-sugar alternative to banana.